We consider ourselves the authority on the Nexiq USB Link 2, and this guide proves it. Created by us, we are now including it with the USB Link 2’s for a fraction of the price. This guide is a 30+ page power-packed PDF that will give you information such as:
Step-by-step instruction with clear, concise pictures on how to set the proper adapter for each diesel program. This includes 19 different programs such as Cummins Insite, CAT ET, Premium Tech Tool, Eaton Service Ranger, Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link, and many, many more! The most common problem people have with a Nexiq USB Link 2 is that it won’t connect to the truck. But how do you figure out if its the adapter, the truck, the computer, or the cable? Well, we have created a simple 6-step process to help you figure it out! This guide gives pictures for every single step! We also include a custom flow-chart that you can print out and keep with your USB Link! Clean up that pesky adapter list! Yes, you don’t need to have 20+ different adapters listed & installed on your laptop if you only have 1. We show you how to delete and clean them out! We provide a complete list of accessories, with direct link to purchase, for all types of accessories for your USB Link. This includes extra cables, replacement cables, and protective gear to keep your USB Link running smooth!
PC-to-vehicle interface compatible with multiple software applications, minimizing your investment in multiple brand-specific diagnostic interfaces.
Class 1 Bluetooth provides up to 100 feet of wireless freedom Flexible configuration supports wired or wireless connectivity Compatible with applications that diagnose engines, transmissions, ABS, instrument panels and more Reduce reprogramming times with direct USB connection Mixed fleet capabilities with broad protocol support Quick access to vehicle data for maintenance or management reports Quickly attaches to vehicle’s diagnostic connector No messy cables to untangle or get in the way with Bluetooth Easy portability increases flexibility May be used with desktop PC or laptop
RP1210A, RP1210B, RP1210C and J2534 API support Bluetooth vehicle-to-PC wireless connectivity USB vehicle-to-PC connectivity Protocol coverage for automotive to heavy duty vehicles: 3 CAN – J1939/CAN125/CAN250/CAN500/CAN1000 Automatic bit rate detection for all standard CAN channels Single Wire CAN Fault Tolerant CAN J1587/J1708 J1850 ISO 15765 (Diagnostic CAN) ISO 14230 (KWP2000 over ISO9141) J2534 ALDL ATEC 160 (160 baud) Supports Windows® XP, Windows® 7 32- and 64-bit versions, and Windows® 8 32- and 64-bit versions